BBC News - Africa

lunedì 11 dicembre 2023

Libri in vendita // Book for sale!

Dear all, I am glad to share with you a list of books from my personal shelf that I wish to sell. I can send packages from Italy abroad. All books are in good conditions, but to receive photos and price please get in touch at BOOKS LIST: - The Almost Nearly Perfect People, Michael Booth - I padroni dell'Umanità, Noam Chomsky - Smart Fundraising, Valerio Melandri - Playing Second Fiddle, Edited by Persson, Petersson and Banke - Rivista italiana di politiche pubbliche, vol 3/2013 - Rivista Queste Istituzioni, n. 153 2009 - Christian Politics and Public life in Kenya - Jugoslavia trent'anni dopo, a cura di Benedetto Coccia - Rivista Afriche e Orienti, numero speciale su AIDS 2012 - Analyze West, Dr. Nicholaos Beecroft - Umanità in Rivolta, Aboubakar Soumahoro - The Rule of the Clan, Mark. S. Weiner - Gramsci et l'Etat, Christine Buci-Glucksmann - Solidarity, David Featherstone - Horizons of Security (Hardbook), Marco Zoppi - Kogen Kommer Undan Politiken, Josefsson and Lifvendahl - Warriors. Life and death among the Somalis. Gerald Hanley - Med Kluven Tunga. Persson and Arvidsson - ONG una storia da raccontare, Sergio Marelli - Accogliere gli immigrati, a cura di Barbara Ghiringhelli e Sergio Marelli - La Famiglia transnazionale (Italia Ecuador), a cura di Barbara Ghiringhelli - La Famiglia transnazionale (Dalle Alpi agli Appennini), a cura di Barbara Ghiringhelli - Il Nemico in Politica, a cura di Cammarano e Cavazza - Potere Globale, Lorenzo Casini - The citizenship debate, a reader. Editeb by Shafir. - The Zanzibar Chest, Aidan Hartley - Ossigeno Illegale, Gratteri e Nicaso. ISBN 9788804745662 - La lingua salvata, Elias Canetti. ISBN: 9788845908163. - Lotta fra titani, Wilbur Smith. ISBN 9791259851178. - Rivista di Studi Politici, Focus Balcani 2/3 anno 2021. ISBN 9781555971595 - Knots, Nurrudin Farah. ISBN 9780143112983 - Sweet and Sour Milk, Nurrudin Farah ISBN 9781555971595 - Storia del pensiero politico europeo, Salvo Mastellone. ISBN 9788860081445 - Media, Representations of migration, editedb by Popovic, Kardov and Zuparic-Ilic

giovedì 30 dicembre 2021

An interview with Dr. Marco Zoppi about his upcoming book: Horizons of Security

Here below is my full interview for WardheerNews regarding the publication of my book Horizons of Security (Rowman and Littlefield). Thank you Adan!

Read the original article here. Book info here.

By Adan Makina

Editor’s NoteIn an interview with Dr. Marco Zoppi–about his upcoming book that is expected to be released in September by Rowman and Littlefield, WardheerNews, without the least hesitation, wishes to share with you perhaps what would be described as the longest discussion with our own contributor, Mr Zoppi,  who selflessly spent considerable time to bring to us a subject that has never been debated before. Up north Europe, in what we know as Scandinavian or Nordic countries that constitute Norway, Denmark and Sweden, there is a paradox in ontological security that constitute food security, political security and personal security. Unbeknown to many, Scandinavia means “dangerous island.” Even though the dangers are natural physical features, Somalis who constitute 165,000 in these countries have experienced enormous inevitable social ramifications that requires to be addressed by the host governments and configurations of spokesmen and spokeswomen that is currently gaining ground among those from the unstable Horn of Africa nation of Somalia that collapsed in 1991. The interview was conducted by our own Adan Makina. We hope you enjoy it.


WardheerNews (WDN): Come Stai Dottore Marco ZoppiPlease welcome to WardheerNews. I believe WDN is not new to you and that you will attest to the fact that it is a scholarly and journalistic magazine that has been gaining popularity since its establishment in November of 2004. Likewise, WDN wishes to salute you for the selfless and courageous past contributions that you rendered it. We at WDN and our readers feel it is a great opportunity to have an interview with you because you have relevant information to share with the Somali who are known for grabbing the good news we know as ‘war’. Please, get on board our digitized ship.

Dr. Zoppi: Thanks for the warm welcome Adan! Sto bene, grazie mille. It’s a pleasure to have this talk with you regarding my upcoming book on WDN, to which I have indeed contributed as author in the past, as you rightly recalled. Thanks to all the readers that will take time to read the interview. I hope it will be of interest for WDN’s readership.

WDN: First, please introduce yourself to our readers beginning with your childhood upbringing, your educational qualifications and experiences.

sabato 1 agosto 2015

Saying Europe, meaning Eurafrica

My latest article published on Pambazuka. This time, I have dealt with the historical analysis of Europe-Africa relations, to underline the file rouge of domination of the former over the latter. Therefore, I argue, current migration phenomena are physiological within a socio-economic system that produces inequality on constant basis.

La mia ultima analisi online pubblicata su Pambazuka. Mi sono dedicato all'analisi storica delle relazioni Europa-Africa, con un occhio aperto sui flussi migratori odierni. Dal colonialismo in poi, argomento nell'analisi, l'Europa non ha mai smesso di dominare l'Africa, cercando perfino di istituzionalizzare questo rapporto di subordinazione nei processi di formazione dell'Unione Europea, che dell'Africa e delle sue risorse aveva ed ha ancora bisogno. Di conseguenza, i flussi migratori cui assistiamo non sono affatto un'emergenza, bensì da considerare fisiologici all'interno di un sistema socio-economico, quello "Eurafricano", che è dichiaratamente ingiusto e mira a produrre disuguaglianza.

LINK to the original page:

eng -> here


The current relationship between Africa and Europe may seem to have moved past colonialism, but a dynamic of economic subordination of the first to the second persists. The vision of Eurafrica, in fact, is built on the legacy of colonialism and positions Africans as the eternal Other.

venerdì 10 aprile 2015

Somalia: Let’s just forget the past?

My latest article on Pambazuka, concerned with the role of the past as well as reconciliation in Somalia. The article took inspiration from a conference which I have attended.
Il mio articolo più recente pubblicato su Pambazuka. L'articolo si occupa del ruolo che le dolorose vicende del passato somalo occupano nel dibattito corrente, prendendo ispirazione da una conferenza tenuta da un diplomatico del governo somalo.
It will be impossible to reconstruct Somalia without addressing its complex past. Yet the current definition of transitional justice appears too narrow to be beneficial, since it limits the space for local-based procedures in favour of Western concepts like the state, rule of law and democracy.


ENG -> here

martedì 29 luglio 2014

Pubblicazione saggio "Tendenze islamiste in Somalia fino ad Al Shabaab" su Politica Africana n.1

Il mio saggio, che ricostruisce la storia dei gruppi islamisti sul territorio somalo, è stato pubblicato sul primo numero della rivista Politica Africana, edito dall'Institute for Global Studies. Di seguito, l'indice ed il link del primo interessantissimo numero:

POLITICA AFRICANA N. 1 - Gennaio - Aprile 2014

di Nicola Pedde e Marco Massoni

La crisi politico-istituzionale del Mali nel contesto di instabilità africana,
di Aldo Pigoli

Tendenze islamiste in Somalia fino ad Al Shabaab,
di Marco Zoppi

La crisi politica somala e le sue ripercussioni sulla sicurezza nazionale e regionale,
di Nicola Pedde

Repubblica Centroafricana: la prima guerra economica contro la Cina in Africa,
di Marco Massoni

La geopolitica dei confini nelle periferie della Repubblica Federale d'Etiopia,
di Luca Puddu

Regione dei Grandi Laghi: RDC, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda e Tanzania,
di Davide Maggiore

Mitigare il radicalismo islamico nella Nigeria settentrionale,
di Michael Olufemi Sodipo

Le vere ragioni della crisi in Sud Sudan,
di Mehari Taddele Maru

Intervista a Mulugeta Alemseged Gessese, Ambasciatore d'Etiopia in Italia

Intervista a Massimo Alberizzi, corrispondente dall'Africa del Corriere della Sera

LINK -> qui